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Is there, or did there use to be, a complete list of the game updates somewhere? I'd like to keep them all on the wiki for posterity's sake - perhaps the recent ones could be spelled out on the [[Game updates]] page, with the rest being linked to their own page (EX: [[Game updates/2014-11-01]])
: No I set up the DPL tags to pull the recent game updates and added the last two months by capturing text in the launcher. You could ask Eric perhaps for a text file with all the older updates? Then some regular expressions can quickly format all the bullets, headings. They still have to be made into articles though.. Or, you could keep all the 2013/2012/etc updates in one long page with eg. [[:'''Category:2013 updates]] ''' without creating individual pages for all the older updates.<br><br>The Game updates page pulls the full content of the 5 most recent ones. I set it up exactly how [http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Game_updates guild wars 1 does it]. Thus if you add older updates we can likewise add an "Archive" link to the [[Game updates]] sidenav and then you may want to add categories by year and month, see [http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Category:Updates example]. --[[User:Gorgonzola|Gorgonzola]] ([[User talk:Gorgonzola|talk]]) 14:02, 6 November 2014 (CST)