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Game updates/2015-12-14

33 bytes removed, 12:19, 24 June 2021
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===<b>Buckle Artistry</b>===
:The new companion skill for the [[Hammer]] combat skill is called [[Buckle Artistry]]. This skill entails crafting gaudy belt buckles '''(which will probably have 3D appearance someday''', but are currently invisible like other belts). The buckles give the hammerer various psychological benefits, which translate into buffs. See the new NPC named [[Jake]] in the druid camp in [[Sun Vale]].
:Note that this is a combat-companion skill, not a crafting skill. It uses some crafting mechanics, but it's intended to be used by the individual hammerer, much like calligraphy or meditation is done by the individual swordsman or unarmed warrior. For that reason, it should be comparatively easy to level up, and there are no craft-skill prerequisites – you just need to complete some favors for Jake. (The recipes require various ingredients obtained from other crafting skills, but these can simply be purchased from other players in the future. May need more players before that part works though.)
:Crafted belt buckles can only be used by the crafter – they are deeply personal emblems that are useless to others.
:- Removed the Tutorial book hidden in a tree on the island (that was from a previous iteration of the island; you now learn it from a quest NPC)
:- Fixed all known bugs with augmentation recipes: if something is still broken please report it (or re-report it)!
:- [[Alravessa the All-Hunter|Alravesa]] now sells Basic Shot 5 training
:- Knocked off over 1000 health (and a bit of armor and damage) from Gajus ... how does he fare now against several equipped newbies?
:- Certain items that were supposed to be nerfed in last update (e.g. Yagreet's Staff) didn't get nerfed due to a data typo. They are fixed now.

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