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[[Tumak the Betrayer]] is the ghost of the Rakshasa accused of poisoning most of the residents and wildlife in the Povus region, leading to a cascade which destroyed the town. After their death, their regret manifested itself as a ghost which haunts the town each morning.
[[Tumak the Betrayer]] appears each morning at 9am in the old house he shared with [[Kimeta]]. He quickly exits the house and floats along the path north from the Sprawl to Old Town, going past the Town Status Board and out a northern gate, eventually stopping at the lake before despawning just before 10am. If he reaches the water, the status '''Echoes of Poison - (-50% Fast-Swim Speed, 1 Breath Cost/Sec)''' will be applied to anyone swimming in an area northeast of the Povus pier.
[[Tumak the Betrayer]] will only attack combatants that attack him first.