Tough Kelp Coat

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Tough Kelp Coat
Skintight clothing worn by ranalon. It's remarkably stretchy.
icon_101.png Max Armor

icon_108.png Chance to Evade Projectiles %

icon_105.png Health from Combat Refresh Abilities

icon_105.png Armor from Combat Refresh Abilities

icon_105.png Power from Combat Refresh Abilities
Value: 105

How to Obtain

Producing with Recipes


Obtaining through Bartering



Monster [Expand] Location
Ranalon Guardian Ranalon Den
Ranalon Guardian Sun Vale
Ranalon Guardian Povus
Ranalon Guardian Povus
Ranalon Myrmidon Sun Vale
Ranalon Priest Sun Vale
Ranalon Priest Fish Bowl Cavern
Ranalon Priest Povus
Ranalon Priest Povus


Quest Rewards


Other Ways to Obtain


Using in Recipes

Blacksmithing [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
30 Add Pockets To Organic Shirt icon_5300.png Expert-Quality Metal Slab x1
icon_5301.png Masterwork Metal Slab x1
icon_5588.png Silver Ore x1
icon_5580.png Gold Ore x1
Organic Shirt x1
Adds +2 Pockets.
Consumes 20 Enhancement Points.
Toolcrafting [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
5 Dye Organic Armor (1 color) icon_5178.png Rough Tannin Powder x1
Organic Dyeable Armor x1
Dye x1
25 Dye Organic Armor (2 colors) icon_5179.png Decent Tannin Powder x1
Organic Dyeable Armor x1
Dye x1
Dye x1
50 Dye Organic Armor (3 colors) icon_5180.png Quality Tannin Powder x1
Organic Dyeable Armor x1
Dye x1
Dye x1
Dye x1

Also can be used in any recipes which call for:


NPC Location [Expand] Preferences
Silvia The Druid Camp in Sun Vale Loves (Chest Armor and Loot)

Bartering Uses



Direct Consumption

Ability Consumption


Quest Fulfillment

Quest Number Required Quest Cooldown
(if repeatable)
NPC Minimum Favor Location [Expand] Notes
Holistic Wellness: Hold Gear 40 (Have any Pieces of Equipment) 12 Hours Unknown Despised Rahu

Other Uses
