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Revision as of 23:07, 31 March 2018 by BetaNotus (talk | contribs) (To-Do List)
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To-Do List

TOWN Infobox & Standard

Your code would probably look like this.

Item Name Base Stats Crafting Target Skill Level
Amazing Bard Boots
Amazing Bard Cap
Amazing Bard Gloves
Amazing Bard Leggings
Amazing Bard Shirt
Amazing Evasion Boots
Amazing Evasion Leggings
Amazing Evasion Shirt
Amazing Leather Boots
Amazing Leather Gloves
Amazing Leather Helmet
Amazing Leather Leggings
Amazing Leather Shirt
Amazing Winter Boots
Amazing Winter Coat
Amazing Winter Gloves
Amazing Winter Hood
Amazing Winter Leggings
Astounding Bard Boots
Astounding Bard Cap
Astounding Bard Gloves
Astounding Bard Leggings
Astounding Bard Shirt
Astounding Evasion Boots
Astounding Evasion Leggings
Astounding Evasion Shirt
Astounding Leather Boots
Astounding Leather Gloves
Astounding Leather Helmet
Astounding Leather Leggings
Astounding Leather Shirt
Astounding Winter Boots
Astounding Winter Coat
Astounding Winter Gloves
Astounding Winter Hood
Astounding Winter Leggings
Awesome Bard Boots
Awesome Bard Cap
Awesome Bard Gloves
Awesome Bard Leggings
Awesome Bard Shirt
Awesome Evasion Boots
Awesome Evasion Leggings
Awesome Evasion Shirt
Awesome Leather Boots
Awesome Leather Gloves
Awesome Leather Helmet
Awesome Leather Leggings
Awesome Leather Shirt
Awesome Winter Boots
Awesome Winter Coat
Awesome Winter Gloves
Awesome Winter Hood
Awesome Winter Leggings
Barghest-Hide Coat
Basic Gloves
Birch Pants
Brainwave Safety Hat
Cheap Goblin Leggings
Comfortable Ancient Pants
Comfortable Ancient Shoes
Council Pathfinder Armor
Council Pathfinder Boots
Council Pathfinder Gloves
Council Pathfinder Helm
Council Pathfinder Leggings
Crude Evasion Boots
Crude Evasion Leggings
Crude Evasion Shirt
Crude Leather Boots
Crude Leather Gloves
Crude Leather Helmet
Crude Leather Leggings
Crude Leather Shirt
Decent Evasion Boots
Decent Evasion Leggings
Decent Evasion Shirt
Decent Leather Boots
Decent Leather Gloves
Decent Leather Helmet
Decent Leather Leggings
Decent Leather Shirt
Decent Winter Boots
Decent Winter Coat
Decent Winter Gloves
Decent Winter Hood
Decent Winter Leggings
Desert Vagabond Boots
Desert Vagabond Cap
Desert Vagabond Gloves
Desert Vagabond Pants
Desert Vagabond Shirt
Discarded Boots
Felmer's Famous Fingerfangles
Fey Gloves
Goblin Cap
Goblin Chief's Cap
Goblin Helmet
Goblin Leggings
Great Bard Boots
Great Bard Cap
Great Bard Gloves
Great Bard Leggings
Great Bard Shirt
Great Evasion Boots
Great Evasion Leggings
Great Evasion Shirt
Great Gauntlets of the Winter Court
Great Leather Boots
Great Leather Gloves
Great Leather Helmet
Great Leather Leggings
Great Leather Shirt
Great Winter Boots
Great Winter Coat
Great Winter Gloves
Great Winter Hood
Great Winter Leggings
Greyfyn's Farm Gloves
Grouper Gropers
Hobgoblin Coat
Hobgoblin Gloves
Hobgoblin Helmet
Hobgoblin Kickers
Hobgoblin Leggings
Idealist's Skirts
Insulated Boots
Insulated Coat
Insulated Gloves
Insulated Hood
Insulated Pants
Ivyn's Family Pants
Jaunty Hat of Despair
Leafy Shirt
Lyramis Shoes
Moldy Ancient Gloves
Moldy Ancient Helm
Moldy Ancient Pants
Moldy Ancient Shirt
Moldy Ancient Shoes
Nameless Gauntlets
Nice Evasion Boots
Nice Evasion Leggings
Nice Evasion Shirt
Nice Leather Boots
Nice Leather Gloves
Nice Leather Helmet
Nice Leather Leggings
Nice Leather Shirt
Nice Winter Boots
Nice Winter Coat
Nice Winter Gloves
Nice Winter Hood
Nice Winter Leggings
Nightmare Pants
Orcish Cap
Orcish Coat
Orcish Gladiator Cap
Orcish Gloves
Orcish Greaves
Orcish Military Boots
Orcish Military Coat
Orcish Military Gloves
Orcish Military Greaves
Orcish Military Helm
Orcish Rugged Boots
Pants of the Yearning Sea
Prarie Dog Coat of Doom
Quality Bard Boots
Quality Bard Cap
Quality Bard Gloves
Quality Bard Leggings
Quality Bard Shirt
Quality Evasion Boots
Quality Evasion Leggings
Quality Evasion Shirt
Quality Leather Boots
Quality Leather Gloves
Quality Leather Helmet
Quality Leather Leggings
Quality Leather Shirt
Quality Winter Boots
Quality Winter Coat
Quality Winter Gloves
Quality Winter Hood
Quality Winter Leggings
Rakshasian Elite Boots
Rakshasian Elite Coat
Rakshasian Elite Gloves
Rakshasian Elite Helm
Rakshasian Elite Leggings
Ratkin Revolutionist Boots
Ratkin Revolutionist Coat
Ratkin Revolutionist Cowl
Ratkin Revolutionist Gloves
Ratkin Revolutionist Leggings
Rough Leather Boots
Rough Leather Gloves
Rough Leather Helmet
Rough Leather Leggings
Rough Leather Shirt
Ruggedized Gloves
Ruined Shifter's Boots
Shoddy Leather Boots
Shoddy Leather Gloves
Shoddy Leather Helmet
Shoddy Leather Leggings
Shoddy Leather Shirt
Soulworm-Bitten Hat
Symbol-Etched Boots
Syndra's Winter Coat
Temperature Control Gloves
Ukorga's Furry Fistwraps
Ursula's Gloves
Vagreef's Anti-Burn Hat
Web-Coated Hat
Web-Encrusted Pants

Quick Reference Locations

Sylvia in Havule
Special Behavior Badges
Delete Info

Pages needing deletion

      Code reference

      Reward for Contacting Melandria's Brother

      Reward: Pumpkin x1, 300 Councils, 50 Favor


      Long quote reference

      No need to commence with prostration and supplication. I am dying.

      The Broken Glowing Sphere is a Himamanav Deity which once ruled over the middle level of the Yeti Cave. Although it claims to be dying, it is still able to summon magical items and perform teleports.

      No need to commence with prostration and supplication. I am dying.

      Huh. What are you dying of?

      I was thrown from a high place by a foolish Himamanav who wishes to be treated as a god. I am damaged. I estimate remaining life at 291 years -- a blink of an eye. The Himamanav should not worship me. They are other, more permanent gods. But not Urraghur: he's just a jerk.

      I'm not a Himamanav.

      Oh. Well it would be very evil of you to kill Urraghur, outsider. Just because he is a plague upon our people, a worthless speck... no I would never condone murdering any Himamanav. Although since I am dying, I could hardly stop you...

      Uh huh. And this Urg-whatever guy, where is he?

      At the top of the nearby hill. He stands in my place, demanding worship.

      Got it. Well, I'll go talk to him.

      He will simply attack you on sight.

      Okay, that's fine too. Bye.

      Upon murdering Urraghur.

      I am dying. Urraghur has destroyed my ancient place of honor and...

      Yeah, yeah. He's dead now. All done.

      Outsider, you have done a great evil to the Himamanav. I shall punish you by making you carry these heavy magic items.

      Huh. Okay. Thanks.

      Now perhaps it is time for you to go. I can teleport you to the surface, if you are ready.

      Sure, get me out of this cave!
      (You are returned to the entrance of the dungeon).
      No, I'm still exploring. Thanks, though.