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Revision as of 14:48, 31 August 2015 by Starboy13 (talk | contribs) (Hang Out)
A farmer.

Yeah, I'm a farmer. But I'm also a "farmer" if you know what I mean. And I think you do. No? Dammit I'm so bad at innuendo.

Ivyn is an Elven farmer. He lives with Jara.


Farm southwest of the keep.

Small Talk

  • Likes Prepared Food
  • Likes Seeds
  • Likes Seedlings
  • Likes Cooking Recipes
  • Hates Poetry


  • Ivyn Needs Butter
  • Ivyn Made a Salmpo Hint
  • Ivyn Wants A Coin : Find an Ancient Bronze Coin.
  • Ivyn's Demon Bean [friendly] : Find the Demon Bean in Serbule Crypt Hint


Ivyn will give you the code to his chest after you reach sufficient favor. Storing items in the chest is not safe until Ivyn personally allows you to store items in it.

Hang Out

  • Explore nearby ruined tombs for ancient treasures (3 hours)
27 favor with Ivyn
100 Unarmed XP
1 Anchor Rune
  • Talk about the Sampo legend over dinner (2 hours)
  • Help till the fields (8 hours)
65 favor with Ivyn
200 Gardening XP
10 Broccoli
  • Collect manure from the cow fields (4 hours)
  • Have a beer and discuss how stupid the council is (60 minutes)
You completed the activity, "Have a beer and discuss how stupid the council is"!
Ivyn said, "And that's not even the worst part! The worst part is that we no longer have any representation! It's practically a dictatorship! Ah, but listen to me. If those wizards were really dictators, I suppose I'd have been smote down for my complaints by now, eh?"
You received:
12 favor with Ivyn
25 Lore XP

Spoiler text.