Spiderwebs for Beautiful Clothes
Percussa in Rahu said, "Do you like my clothes? A wandering elven bard taught me how to make them! They're much stronger than they look, too. One of the secrets is spider silk, a cloth that's made from spiderwebs. I buy it from Shirogin, but he's been out of stock for months. If you find some spider silk, I'd love to buy it from you."
To start this quest, talk to Percussa in Rahu. The quest is available at [Neutral] favor.
“Do you like my clothes? A wandering elven bard taught me how to make them! They're much stronger than they look, too. One of the secrets is spider silk, a cloth that's made from spiderwebs. I buy it from Shirogin, but he's been out of stock for months. If you find some spider silk, I'd love to buy it from you.
- Obtain x4 Hint
- Talk to Percussa
“Oh thank you! This spider silk is enough to make a new pair of pants. Here's your money. And hey, take my old pair of pants, too. There's a hole in the crotch, but nobody will notice.
- 75 favor
- 500 Councils