Zhia Lian Event: Soup Prep

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Brandon Mellus in the Red Wing Casino said, "Since Zhia Lian is the goddess of Whimsy, we need a lot of very eccentric snacks. And unfortunately most of my best stuff was either stolen by cat men, or was lost in the desert as we fled for our lives. From cat men.

The casino will provide some boring snacks, but we definitely need some more exotic stuff! Let's start with a recipe from the Crone Hegemony. I found it in an old book! Can you get the ingredients?"

This Quest can be repeated after 60 days.


To start this quest, talk to Brandon Mellus in the Red Wing Casino.


Since Zhia Lian is the goddess of Whimsy, we need a lot of very eccentric snacks. And unfortunately most of my best stuff was either stolen by cat men, or was lost in the desert as we fled for our lives. From cat men.

The casino will provide some boring snacks, but we definitely need some more exotic stuff! Let's start with a recipe from the Crone Hegemony. I found it in an old book! Can you get the ingredients?


  • Obtain Cat Eyeballs x3
  • Obtain Dinosaur Eyes x3
  • Talk to Brandon Mellus


