Ranalon Den: Collect Lungfish

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Revision as of 13:48, 11 April 2018 by Kedoch (talk | contribs) (Rewards)
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Chirrra in the Serbule Hills Ranalon Den said, "Steal lungfish from the pools throughout the den. I have a scheme in mind for them!"


To start this quest, talk to Chirrra in Ranalon Den. The quest is available at [Neutral] favor.

This quest requires the previous completion of a Tier 1 quest from Chirrra.

This is a solo quest from Chirrra. You may have one solo quest from Chirrra at a time. You can take on a new solo quest 15 minutes after completing or canceling this quest.


Steal lungfish from the pools throughout the den. I have a scheme in mind for them!

This is a Tier 2 quest from Chirrra.



Response to player



Rewards for Ranalon Den: Collect Lungfish