Still Better Cheese

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Willem Fangblade in Red Wing Casino said, "I'm sorry to say this, but the last cheese didn't work out either. But this time I know exactly what's needed. I called in some expert help! I need a 'brunost' cheese, it's the best for the cheap wine I've been usin'. Guaranteed ta work this time. I fuckin' hope."


To start this quest, talk to Willem Fangblade in Red Wing Casino. The quest is available at [Neutral] favor. You must also complete Better Cheese Needed.


I'm sorry to say this, but the last cheese didn't work out either. But this time I know exactly what's needed. I called in some expert help! I need a 'brunost' cheese, it's the best for the cheap wine I've been usin'. Guaranteed ta work this time. I fuckin' hope.




Rewards for Still Better Cheese