Expert-Quality Armor Stake

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Expert-Quality Armor Stake
A specially-shaped piece of hardened metal. This is used in the making of plate mail armor.
Value: 225

How to Obtain

Producing with Recipes

Blacksmithing [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
40 Expert-Quality Armor Stake icon_5299.png Good Metal Slab x1
icon_5300.png Expert-Quality Metal Slab x1
icon_5560.png Shaping Hammer x1 (!)
icon_5569.png Expert-Quality Armor Stake x1

Obtaining through Bartering



This item has not been submitted by an editor as loot, or may not exist as loot


Quest Rewards


Other Ways to Obtain


Using in Recipes

Jewelry Crafting [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
76 Amazing Magic Ring (Enchanted) icon_5578.png Superb Metal Slab x2
icon_5585.png Iridium x1
icon_5181.png Ultimate Acidic Cleanser x1
icon_5569.png Expert-Quality Armor Stake x1 (!)
Crystal x1
Crystal x1
icon_17002.png Amazing Magic Ring x1
78 Amazing Magic Ring (Max-Enchanted) icon_5578.png Superb Metal Slab x2
icon_5585.png Iridium x1
icon_5181.png Ultimate Acidic Cleanser x1
icon_5569.png Expert-Quality Armor Stake x1 (!)
icon_5219.png Vervadium x1
icon_5702.png Glowy Yellow Crystal x1
Crystal x1
Crystal x1
icon_17002.png Amazing Magic Ring x1
79 Amazing Winter Fae Ring (Enchanted) icon_5578.png Superb Metal Slab x2
icon_5987.png Toxic Ice Sludge x1
icon_5181.png Ultimate Acidic Cleanser x1
icon_5569.png Expert-Quality Armor Stake x1 (!)
Crystal x1
Crystal x1
icon_17002.png Amazing Winter Fae Ring x1
80 Position Inferencing Ring (Enchanted) icon_5578.png Superb Metal Slab x2
icon_6351.png Accuracy Circuit x1
icon_5569.png Expert-Quality Armor Stake x1 (!)
Crystal x1
Crystal x1
icon_17002.png Position Inferencing Ring x1
80 Position Inferencing Ring (Max-Enchanted) icon_5578.png Superb Metal Slab x2
icon_6351.png Accuracy Circuit x1
icon_5569.png Expert-Quality Armor Stake x1 (!)
icon_5702.png Glowy Yellow Crystal x2
Crystal x1
Crystal x1
icon_17002.png Position Inferencing Ring x1
81 Amazing Winter Fae Ring (Max-Enchanted) icon_5578.png Superb Metal Slab x2
icon_5987.png Toxic Ice Sludge x1
icon_5181.png Ultimate Acidic Cleanser x1
icon_5569.png Expert-Quality Armor Stake x1 (!)
icon_5219.png Vervadium x1
icon_5702.png Glowy Yellow Crystal x1
Crystal x1
Crystal x1
icon_17002.png Amazing Winter Fae Ring x1


NPC Location [Expand] Preferences
Tremmond Blackhammer Old Town in Povus Likes (Armor Stakes)

Bartering Uses



Direct Consumption

Ability Consumption


Quest Fulfillment

Work Order

Turn in 10x Expert-Quality Armor Stake to Sheyna for 5041 councils. Requires Industry Level 30.

Other Uses
