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Revision as of 11:26, 22 September 2014 by Gorgonzola (talk | contribs) (Overview)

Expertise in the use of a shield, both as a weapon and as a defensive tool.

Shield Mastery (refered as "Shield" in the Skills panel) is an advanced skill that is taught by Tyler Green after earning sufficient favor with him. As such this skill is not available to new players, even if Tyler can be found in the Tutorial Cave.

Stunning Bash, the level 1 ability, is received automatically once you reach Friend relationship with Tyler Green.


Shield Mastery skills covers the following mechanics:

Stuns Stunning Bash
Sprint Speed One of the main draws of this skill (+6 sprint speed for 10 seconds).
Rage control (as with most combat skills)
Knockback Zero power cost, but long cooldown.
Taunt Temporary taunt power increases
Cover from projectiles Seems of limited use at the moment


Unknown yet if there are additional Abilities available in the world.


Lucky Belt of the Soldier (currently limited to Sword+Shield) attunes the random-generated treasure to this skill.