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Garden Tender

Revision as of 13:14, 9 May 2022 by BetaNotus (talk | contribs) (Miscellaneous)
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Main Page Headers Bg.png
Garden Tender
Garden Tender.jpg
Crushing, Acid
Garden Tender are used by Myconians for protection. They're cute in a deadly sort of way. Be wary of their stun! Garden Tender is not the true name of the species, but one given to them by the Myconians of the cave.


Myconian Cave
Vitals: Health 104 Armor 95 Rage 226
Location: Wandering about the corridors.

Combat Abilities

icon_2117.png Piercing Damage
Rage-icon.png icon_2117.png Heavy Piercing Damage, Stun


Reported Loot