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Blue Violet Dye

Revision as of 04:06, 2 June 2022 by TamiqBot (talk | contribs) (Updating drops comment, drops, v361)

Blue Violet Dye
Dye used to color a piece of clothing or armor blue violet.
Value: 411

Stack Size:


How to Obtain

Producing with Recipes

Dye Making
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
51 Blue Violet Dye icon_5215.png Carnelian x1
icon_5445.png Turquoise x1
icon_5044.png Violet x1
icon_5010.png Bottle of Water x1
icon_5378.png Dye Pot x1
icon_5379.png Gem Crusher x1
icon_6092.png Blue Violet Dye x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1

Obtaining through Bartering



Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 2.3.0 : Warning: No results.


Quest Rewards


Other Ways to Obtain


Using in Recipes

Lvl Name Ingredients Results
5 Dye Metal Armor (1 color) icon_5551.png Lac x1
Metal Dyeable Armor x1
Dye x1
25 Dye Metal Armor (2 colors) icon_5551.png Lac x2
Metal Dyeable Armor x1
Dye x1
Dye x1
50 Dye Metal Armor (3 colors) icon_5551.png Lac x3
Metal Dyeable Armor x1
Dye x1
Dye x1
Dye x1
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
5 Dye Leather Armor (1 color) icon_5178.png Rough Tannin Powder x1
Leather Dyeable Armor x1
Dye x1
25 Dye Leather Armor (2 colors) icon_5179.png Decent Tannin Powder x1
Leather Dyeable Armor x1
Dye x1
Dye x1
50 Dye Leather Armor (3 colors) icon_5180.png Quality Tannin Powder x1
Leather Dyeable Armor x1
Dye x1
Dye x1
Dye x1
Textile Creation
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
5 Dye Cloth Armor (1 color) icon_5327.png Butter Muslin x1
Cloth Dyeable Armor x1
Dye x1
25 Dye Cloth Armor (2 colors) icon_5329.png Cheesecloth x1
Cloth Dyeable Armor x1
Dye x1
Dye x1
50 Dye Cloth Armor (3 colors) icon_5330.png Fine Cheesecloth x1
Cloth Dyeable Armor x1
Dye x1
Dye x1
Dye x1
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
5 Dye Organic Armor (1 color) icon_5178.png Rough Tannin Powder x1
Organic Dyeable Armor x1
Dye x1
25 Dye Organic Armor (2 colors) icon_5179.png Decent Tannin Powder x1
Organic Dyeable Armor x1
Dye x1
Dye x1
50 Dye Organic Armor (3 colors) icon_5180.png Quality Tannin Powder x1
Organic Dyeable Armor x1
Dye x1
Dye x1
Dye x1


NPC Location Preferences
Elaina The Fairy Tree in Sun Vale Likes (Dye)
Jake the Buckler The Druid Camp in Sun Vale Likes (Dye)

Bartering Uses



Direct Consumption

Ability Consumption


Quest Fulfillment


Other Uses
