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Bloodthirsty Werewolf

Revision as of 06:32, 15 June 2024 by Alva Cassa (talk | contribs) (Reported Loot)
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Bloodthirsty Werewolf
File:Bloodthirsty Werewolf.png
Poison, Trauma
Slashing, Cold, Electricity
Bloodthirsty Werewolf can be found inside the Wolf Cave. They are stronger than the Insane Werewolves found outside the cave. Beware their Pack Attack! Every time they mark you it with, you'll take increased damage from the wolves. Even worse, their howl draws nearby wolves, making it very easy to get swarmed, chain stunned, and killed.


Wolf Cave
Vitals: Health 800 Armor 558 Rage 1040
Location: Found throughout the dungeon.

Combat Abilities

icon_2129.png Crushing Damage
icon_2114.png Crushing Damage
icon_2117.png Slashing Damage
Rage-icon.png icon_2111.png Personal Healing


Reported Loot