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Revision as of 03:26, 23 April 2016 by Dlebansais (talk | contribs) (Quests)
A sentient mushroom.

Hello again! Shop with me! I enjoy the sensation of taking your money!

Way is a Myconian shopkeeper located in the Myconian Cave. Way enjoys collecting strange knick-knacks created by Humans, and has been attempting to create clothing for Myconians. So far, he has failed.


Myconian Cave
In the first room after entering


  • Everything (max price per unit: 371)
Favor Level Money Pool
Comfortable 7500
Close Friends 10000
Soul Mates 17500


Way sells basic potions and a few more interesting items. At Neutral favor, he carries 6250 gold.

Armorpot Armor Potion 100 gold
Powerpot Power Potion 100 gold
None Goblet 75 gold
None Beak 50 gold
None Simple Metal Slab 50 gold
None Rawhide Liner 250 gold

Small Talk

  • Likes Vendor Trash Hint
  • Likes Storage Crates Hint
  • Likes Textiles Hint


  • Way's Lost Yo-Yo : Obtain Way's Lucky Yo-Yo. Hint
  • Fixing Way's Yo-Yo : Obtain String. Hint