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Revision as of 19:08, 1 April 2018 by Klava (talk | contribs)
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Squinting at a gemstone.
In the town of Amulna.
Skill Trainer:
Mining, Surveying

[[Category:Ilmari NPCs]]

Amulna is smalll now, but wait and see. Walt and see what a goblin merchant can do for this little town!

Urzab is a Goblin with a family in Sedgewick Forest. Fluency in Goblinese (35) is required to talk to him. Goblinese (50) is required to access the training menu. Because of clan in-fighting he was forced to travel to Ilmari continue his business. He hopes to "make it big" in order to move his family to Ilmari as well. For the meantime, he sends resources to his wife that she can turn into weapons.

I'm not a slaver, okay? I knowawhat people say about goblins. But I don't own any slaves. Right now’. Why are people so hung up on this?...

The furballs wouldn't let me set up shop In Rahu, even though I had the money. ‘Your kind scares away the elves and humans’, they said. Bah. So much for standing up for the downtrodden!

Some Rakshasa own slaves and that's flne. But; some gobllns have slaves and suddenly the whole race is klll on sight! Hypocritical much?! Yes! It ls! Sorry. I'm stlll angry...


Inside a shop building in the town of Amulna

Items Purchased [view/edit]

  • Gems
  • Jewelry
  • Transmutation/Augmentation Items

Spending Limits [view/edit]

Favor Level Cap Per Item Weekly Pool
Neutral 200 10,000
Comfortable 200 10,000
Friends 400 20,000
Close Friends 800 40,000
Best Friends 1000 50,000
Like Family Unknown, over 2100 100,000
Soul Mates 100,000


None Nose Ring of Inexhaustability 150
None Gaudy Ring of Sleaziness 150


  • A Nice Stool [Neutral]: Obtain a Nice Meditation Stool.


  • Carnelians for Urzab [Neutral]: Obtain six Carnelians.
  • Manticore Tails Needed! [Comfortable]: Obtain 5 Manticore Tail Tips. Hint


Mining level 51-60 (Note: requires Best Friends Favor level)
Surveying level 51-60 (Note: requires Best Friends Favor level)
Ilmari Expert Metal Motherlode Map, Ilmari Master's Metal Motherlode Map, Ilmari Amazing Metal Motherlode Map, Ilmari Astouding Metal Motherlode Map
