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Revision as of 20:44, 13 April 2015 by Glug (talk | contribs) (Poe fleshed out in April 2015 update with quests, small talk and training.)
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Poe is a Myconian who followed Tidal when he broke from Mu, but regrets that decision.


Myconian Cave
In the second western branch going north through the cave, at the end of the northern split in the water.

Small Talk

  • Likes Mushrooms
  • Loves Flowers Hint
  • Loves Ores and Unrefined Metals Hint


  • Collect Blusher Mushrooms (fix) : Obtain 12 Blusher Mushrooms
  • Collect Ectoplasm (fix) : Obtain 3 Ectoplasm


Jewelry Augment Brewing - Requires 25 Alchemy and 25 Toolcrafting
Poe will teach you how to create oils to enchant Jewelry, once you have found him for Nightshade and returned to Nightshade to complete that quest.
Jewelry Augment Brewing - gives level 1 in this skill tree, and Alchemy recipe Weak Infusion Oil (L25)
Necklace Augment Oils
Ring Augment Oils
See Jewelry Augment Brewing for detailed list of Necklace and Ring Augments available.