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Sie Antry

She scouts the distance with a grim snarl.

Sie Antry is an innkeeper. She's unhappy about the trade routes situation in Eltibule, but she stubbornly refuses to leave the inn she invested in.


Inn past the bridge (yellow looking bridge on the minimap), east of Eltibule Keep.


  • Animal Remnants
  • Weapons
  • Armor
Favor Level Money Pool
Friends 10000


Available at Comfortable.

  • Flat Footers (boots with Crushing Damage Reduction +2)
  • Swishystick (a Staff)
  • Hunting Bow
  • Beginner's / Basic Arrows
  • Beginner's / Basic / Advanced / Expert's / Masterwork Arrowheads
  • Flinty Rock
  • Beakers
  • Simple / Strong Nails

Small Talk

  • Loves Snail Shells Hint
  • Loves Bloodstones Hint
  • Likes Footwear [Comfortable]
  • Hates Potions [Comfortable]


  • Kill Giant Mantises : Kill 10 Giant Mantises near her homestead Hint
  • Kill Giant Snails : Kill 10 Giant Snails Hint
  • Collect Giant Snail Shells [Comfortable] : Obtain 2 Perfect Snail Shells.
  • Safe For Travel [Friends] : Kill 10 Monsters In Trade Corridor. Hint


Decent Snail Greaves, Nice Snail Greaves, Quality Snail Greaves
Nice Snail Greaves (Enchanted), Quality Snail Greaves (Enchanted)
Decent Snail Coat, Nice Snail Coat, Quality Snail Coat
Nice Snail Coat (Enchanted), Quality Snail Coat (Enchanted)
Decent Snail Gauntlets, Nice Snail Gauntlets, Quality Snail Gauntlets
Nice Snail Gauntlets (Enchanted), Quality Snail Gauntlets (Enchanted)
Decent Snail Helm, Nice Snail Helm, Quality Snail Helm
Nice Snail Helm (Enchanted), Quality Snail Helm (Enchanted)


Storage - Friends
24 slots at Friends.
Consignment - at Close Friends
Mark-up of 10%, stocking fee of 50.

Hang Out

  • Help weed the garden (6 hours)
  • Scour the perimeter of the homestead for rogue molluscs (5 hours)
  • Help clean the house (60 minutes)
12 favor with Sie Antry
2 Potato
28 Coins
  • Talk about how to improve the trade routes (2 hours)
20 favor with Sie Antry
25 Lore XP
1 Mild Cheddar Cheese

Spoiler text.