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Revision as of 14:45, 16 December 2020 by Xhodan (talk | contribs) (Reported Loot)
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Cold, Acid
Very Effective:
Sherzat is a Mantis boss. When you attack her a few Baby Slimes will come to her defense.

Sherzat was one of the first of the Mantis race to be taught Mentalism techniques by the wizard Dalvos. On his hunt for Dalvos, General Lavorel encountered the augmented Mantis species and further taught them magical methods. These new techniques included the enslavement of the native slimes and the procedure to store large quantities of electricity in lower creatures. - Item-icon-book.png General Lavorel's Diary, Item-icon-book.png Science Journal

The last potion recipe given to the Mantis race by General Lavorel promised to create a warrior of unequaled power. Shezat claimed the potion for herself and succumbed to it's changes. Over a period of four days after drinking the potion, Sherzat murdered the Mantis Zurkaletl, banished Elzehatl, and hid herself inside the Carpal Tunnels dungeon to isolate herself from her brethren. - Item-icon-book.png Sherzat's Journal


Carpal Tunnels
Vitals: Health 2837 Armor 618 Rage 508
Location: At the bridges area, stay to the right. Sherzat awaits in a large squarish room in the middle of green smog.

Combat Abilities

icon_3251.png Ranged Acid Damage, Permanent Debuff
icon_2130.png Slashing Damage
Rage-icon.png icon_3303.png Very Heavy Acid Damage


Skin: None
Meat: None
Skull: None

Reported Loot

General Loot

Level 25, 30 Jewelry


- It takes a long time for you to gather your thoughts now, and your temper is getting worse. -50% Out of Combat Power Regeneration, +5 Direct Damage. This is a permanent curse; you must defeat Sherzat to remove it.


Intuition Warning: Danger Ahead! Text

Elzehatl should have come back to help me. He knew I didn't mean what I said!

"If I still had my psychic link, my friends could help me..."

"I'm becoming dumber and stronger every day."

"I should go and hunt down General Lavorel. He is a monster."

"I can't control my powers. I'm so sorry, Zurkaletl!"