A beehive in the Fae Realm said, "Bzz. BzzZZzzz ...
We need your help, fairy. Our two freshest flowers are covered in pixies and we cannot approach.
Bzz. ZzzZzzZzzBz ... zzzBzt!
Please pollinate them for us!"
This Quest can be repeated after 1 day.
To start this quest, talk to Beehive I in Fae Realm, completing the quest Meet the Hive. This quest is only available to Fae.
Bzz. BzzZZzzz ...
We need your help, fairy. Our two freshest flowers are covered in pixies and we cannot approach.
Bzz. ZzzZzzZzzBz ... zzzBzt!
Please pollinate them for us!
- Pollinate Flower to the Northeast
- Pollinate Flower to the Southeast
- Talk to the Bee Hive
“BzzZz! [Which you think means, 'Thanks!']
- 200 XP Fae (Race Skill).