“You want to be a fletcher, you've gotta be handy with a saw. Learn some basic carpentry, otherwise you can't make much of anything can you? Nope. Not without carpentry.
Elahil is the bowyer and fletcher expert in Serbule Keep.
- Serbule
- By the east entrance.
- Weapons
Favor Level | Money Pool |
Friends | 10000 |
All his items become available at Close Friends.
- Stock Bow
- Empty Fletching Box
- Oak / Maple / Cedar Dowels
- Beginner's / Basic / Advanced Arrows
- Beginner's / Basic / Advanced Long Arrows
- Beginner's / Basic / Advanced Reservoir Arrows
- Beginner's / Basic / Advanced / Expert's / Masterwork Arrowheads
- Flinty Rock
- Beakers
- Lucky Belt of the Ranger (Archery, Animal Handling)
- Lucky Belt of the Hunter (Archery, Sword)
Small Talk
- Likes Prepared Food
- Likes Magical Bows
- Likes Rings [Friends]
- Hates Drugs [Friends]
- Feathers for Elahil : Obtain 3 Feathers
- Oils for Arrows [Comfortable] : Obtain Crossing Oil. Hint
- A Soothing Balm [Comfortable] : Obtain Uncrossing Oil.
- The Ring's Requirement [Friends] : Obtain Nightmare Flesh. Hint
- Words of Power
- Recipe: Word of Power
- Recipe: Word of Power Scroll
- Archery
- Snare Arrow, Snare Arrow 2, Snare Arrow 3, Snare Arrow 4, Snare Arrow 5 (and corresponding arrow Recipes)
- Heavy Shot, Heavy Shot 2, Heavy Shot 3, Heavy Shot 4, Heavy Shot 5 (and corresponding arrow Recipes)
- Heavy Multishot, Heavy Multishot 2, Heavy Multishot 3, Heavy Multishot 4, Heavy Multishot 5 (and corresponding arrow Recipes)
- Recipe: Basic Reservoir Arrow, Recipe: Advanced Reservoir Arrow, Recipe: Expert's Reservoir Arrow, Masterwork Reservoir Arrow
Hang Out
- Go bow-hunting for stags
- 35 favor with Elahil
- 300 Archery XP
- 1 Antler
- Help restring old bows (60m)
- ?? favor with Elahil
- ??
- Test various arrowhead designs (2h)
- 20 favor with Elahil
- 150 Archery XP
Spoiler text.