,Reorganized, added Synergy Levels and quests.
|title = Warden
|image = [[File:Warden_skill.png|300px]]
|caption = Skill in using the secret powers of the Wardens.
|skilltype = Combat Skill <!-- Combat Skill, Trade Skill, Beast Skill (EX: Beast Speech, but NOT Lycanthropy), Other Skill (Used for skills that don't fit the other categories) -->
|maxlevel = 80 <!-- List without bonus levels -->
== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Overview==
Warden is a combat skill exclusive to [[Beast Forms]], relying heavily on electricity damage.
=== In-Game Description ===
=== Training {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} ===
* [[Barnaby]] in the [[Sacred Grotto]] can uncap levels 51-60, and 61-70.
* [[Backfat]] in the [[Fae Realm]] can uncap levels 71-80.
== Connected Skills ==
* None
===== Secondary Skills: =====
* [[Pig]], [[Cow]], [[Deer]], [[Giant Bat]], [[Rabbit]] - These [[Beast Forms]] are well-augmented by the [[Warden]] skill.
===== Related Skills: =====
* [[Nature Appreciation]] - While [[Warden]]s seek to protect animal-kind, they retain a fondness for their natural environments.
===== Synergy Levels =====
Bonus [[Synergy Levels]] for [[Warden]] can be obtained from the following skills and levels:
:: Level 38.
:: Level 41.
::Level 32.
:;[[Giant Bat]]
:: Level 29
:: Level 32
:;[[Nature Appreciation]]
:: Level 35
:: Level 31
:: Level 32
:;[[Survival Instincts]]
:: Level 32
== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Mechanics ==
=== Warden Alerts ===
[[Warden]] members learn a [[Lore]] recipe called '''Check Active Warden Alerts'''. This recipe will show which NPC is offering a Warden Alert Quest at the moment of its casting. Warden Alert Quests usually require the killing of 12-15 specific creatures in the same zone as the NPC that offered the quest. Most of the Warden Alert Quests reward favor, warden points, and also [[Vervadium]] in higher level zones. Each Warden Alert is active for hours so [[Warden]]s can do them when you have time, and there is no forced start time like [[Druid]] Events.
[[Warden]] events do not penalize for declining to participate in an event, however a [[Warden]] must complete at least one Warden Alert per Moon Cycle or their [[Warden]] abilities will deactivate and require a ritual to reactivate.
===== Warden Alert Quests =====
category = Quests/Warden Quests
mode = unordered
columns = 3
=== Warden Reactivation Ritual ===
=== Equipment ===
{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Treasure Effects}}
== Trivia ==
The warden skill is originated as a skill based on the [[Charged Pig]], but ultimately grew in scope until it became a skill that pairs with all [[Beast Forms]].