The Gods of Knowledge, Vol 3

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icon_4006.png The Gods of Knowledge, Vol 3
File:The Gods of Knowledge, Vol 3 (lorebook).png
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Ghosted Until Found

The Gods of Knowledge, Vol 3 is a Lorebook looted from monsters.


This series of books by the goblin sage Muligu details each god that might be able to help you with a knowledge-related question.

Miraverre, God of Sleep and Dreams

Who she is: Miraverre runs the Dream Realm, a place where dreams actually happen. You may have visited it yourself. They say that if you wake up from a dream with the sensation that your dream was real, you were probably dreaming in Miraverre's realm.

Although dreams seem to be what Miraverre concerns herself with most of the time, she is also the god of Sleep itself, and sometimes helps insomniacs.

What she knows and how to find her: If you've had one of those "it seemed too real" dreams, and you need to remember it better, she can help you relive it. She also knows what has taken place in countless dreams over the millennia. She will rarely divulge the secret dreams of someone who is still alive, but she sometimes shares pieces of dreams from the long-deceased.

In general, calling on Miraverre for help is a long-shot. But if you want to reach her, just dream about her. She might choose to appear in your dreams.

And remember, you don't want to upset her. She won't withhold sleep from you -- that idea would be offensive from her -- but she WILL turn all your dreams into horrific nightmares.

Just... be polite, really. That's all it takes. She's a very easygoing elf by all accounts.

Miraverre can also help you communicate with someone else who is sleeping at the same time. But that's beyond the scope of this book!

Ormorek, God of Bitterness

Who he is: This old dwarven god was superseded as the "God of Dwarves" long ago. Now he just lives in the dwarven capital and complains a lot.

What he knows and how to find him: Ormorek is an old god, and he's known more gods than we have names for. Since he lives in New Aufghel, you can simply pay him a visit. If you pay his bar tab (NOT cheap), he might indulge your questions about another god, or a god-related incident. Just don't let him sell you anything.

Talerra, God of Depression and Knowing the Truth

Who she is: They say that when you're truly hopeless, the world becomes more clear. You can see reality for what it is. Of course, you're too depressed to do anything about it. That's Talerra in a nutshell. She spends most of the time comatose from depression. But on occasions when the moon is new, she wakes up and answers prayers.

What she knows and how to find her: Talerra seems to have perfect knowledge of the past few decades. She also has imperfect knowledge of the future. But she doens't have this knowledge stored away; she seems to answer questions for people by divining the information for them on the spot.

There is a price for this knowledge though, and it's a harsh one. Divining the knowledge saps away part of your life force. Your sense of hope, specifically. And Talerra can't tell how much hope it's going to cost you. Typically, you'll loose hope for a few weeks or months. If your question is especially difficult to divine, you may loose hope for a year. And a tiny number of supplicants loose all hope forever.

But before you decide that "loosing hope for a month" sounds like a reasonable price to pay, realize that without hope, you won't have the will to keep living. You will lie comatose, waiting for death. If someone doesn't feed you, bathe you, and care to your bed sores, you will die. Make preparations accordingly.

If you with to proceed, contact your local sage. He can help you with the rituals. They aren't secret, but they're very complicated and you need to get them right. If you're rich enough, hire an expert ritual master to assist you!

Zare, God of Secrets

Who he or she is: We know little about Zare. We don't even known Zare's avatars' preferred gender, if any. Zare is always hooded and mysterious.

What he or she knows and how to find them: Zare knows secrets. (Not every secret. Just a lot of secrets). But if Zare were to tell you the secret, it'd stop being a secret. So Zare would never willingly give away a secret without receiving a better secret in exchange.

If you have secrets that Zare might be willing to trade for, you can try to contact him or her. The method is, of course, a secret, but it's at least one that you can discover. Apparently there is a word, a strange and exceptionally long word, that, when spoken, summons Zare. The word only works once though, and then it changes. Finding this word is quite difficult, but a sage should be able to help you -- for a very high fee, of course.

Related Lore

The Gods of Knowledge, Vol 1
The Gods of Knowledge, Vol 2
The Gods of Knowledge, Vol 4