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Convince Ultashk to Help

Revision as of 09:42, 22 September 2020 by BetaNotus (talk | contribs)


Ultashk demanded premium candle wax lard before he will open the gate into the further reaches of Hogan's 'basement'. But he'll accept candle stumps.


To start this quest, talk to Ultashk in Hogan's Basement.


You rub my feet enough, I might rub yours. Not feet, though - more like bring me some premium candle wax lard. If you can't find the lard, just bring candle stumps. At least three!


  • Obtain Candle Stumps x3
  • Talk to Ultashk



Is this premium lard? Or candle wax? Well how am I supposed to know - I don't make candles!

But thanks. I really hope this is the right stuff or I'm going to look like a real asshole to Gorvessa.