The Beauty in Seeds
Rohina in Sun Vale said, "I may not be the best druid, but I still know how to appreciate nature! In fact, I'm pretty good at growing flowers! Just not trees, I guess.
You can find a lot of seeds on the creatures around here - I guess maybe because of our influence? No idea where they get the seeds from, but if you bring me some I'll teach you how to properly appreciate nature."
To start this quest, talk to Rohina in Sun Vale. This quest is only available to Fae.
I may not be the best druid, but I still know how to appreciate nature! In fact, I'm pretty good at growing flowers! Just not trees, I guess.
You can find a lot of seeds on the creatures around here - I guess maybe because of our influence? No idea where they get the seeds from, but if you bring me some I'll teach you how to properly appreciate nature.
- Find Seeds
- Talk to Rohina