→Harvestables: Added some paintings.
{| class="wikitable"
! Painting !! Value!! Description
| {{Item|Student Painting}} || 10||This is a novice students' attempt to mimic [[Landrisil]]'s masterpiece, "The Forest Before Dusk".
| {{Item|Mediocre Goblin Painting}} || 10||The tell-tale signs of Newakis fatbrush-strokes indicate that this is a novice goblin painting, probably a teenagers' efforts.
| {{Item|Bland Waterfall Painting}} || 20||This painting of a waterfall is bland and uninspired, but you can barely make out an older, better painting underneath. The older painting looks to have been a practice piece by a goblin expert.
| {{Item|"Snake Widow Lake"}} || 20||A lovely forgery of "Snake Widow Lake" by [[Hermard Torsitan]], the most esteemed living human painter.
| {{Item|Forest Painting}} || 30||This is the work of an elven artisan from approximately 300 years ago. It has a slight kitsch factor, and may look good on a wall, but it has little monetary value.
| {{Item|Painting of Traticus}} || 40||This nature scene depicts [[Traticus]], the mythical elven hero, entering the [[Woods of Disdain]]. The subject matter dates the painting to the New Revisionist period, 150 years ago. By elven timelines this was very recent, making the painting extremely tacky. Perhaps it will gain value in 300 years, however.
| {{Item|Well-Framed Painting}} || 40||The painting is a student effort by an untrained hand, but the frame is quite lovely.
| {{Item|Goblin Phot Painting}} || 5040||This depiction of the [[Tower of Treason]] was made by an elven [[Phot]] craftsman, using their signature one-bristle brush.
| {{Item|Numbered Ertrigard Paintingof Grigtekark}} || 10050||This ugly piece has been preserved through the ages solely because it depicts [[Grigtekark]], a goblin holy land.
| {{Item|Peaceful ScenePainting of Ema}} || 25050 ||A breathtaking scene of the old Council grounds of [[Ema]]. It seems to be 3000 years old. Sadly, however, there are traces of [[Alteration Magic]] in the paint, and it could well be a forgery.
| {{Item|"Ovallia"}} || 250 ||A mass-produced replica of Sherig's "Ovallia". Tacky and somewhat low-quality, but it's currently popular among the nouveau riche.|-| {{Item|Goblin Painting}} || 50 ||This is clearly the work of a skilled goblin artisan. Made in the recent Three Hierarchies goblin style, it is probably very new.|-| {{Item|Numbered Ertrigard Painting}} || 100 ||This is an original numbered [[Ertrigard]] painting. The master is beloved for waterfall scenes like this one. However, thanks to his magic brush, he created over 40,000 paintings during his lifetime, so being "original" doesn't really make it too terribly special.|-| {{Item|Blurry Pastoral}} || 150||A blurry watercolor without much to redeem it. However, it was made with highly magical elven pigments that can be reclaimed.|-| {{Item|Stunning Painting}} || 250 ||This piece is absolutely stunning... literally. Its magical pigments cause the viewer to very briefly lose their balance when viewing the painting. It's also a lovely painting and you're not sure why the artist bothered with the trickery.|-| {{Item|Extremely Old Painting}} || 200||A stunning find! This is a truly ugly painting, but the lack of depth and proportion suggest that it was made by someone in the pre-Council era, making it at least 10,000 years old.|-| {{Item|Peaceful Scene}} || 250 ||A lovely scene. Perhaps it was created by [[Mirkym]] -- it has her signature approach to foliage -- but probably just created in the same style by an admirer of her work.|-| {{Item|"Esoteria"}} || 250 ||A gorgeous replica of [[Crea]]'s "Esoteria", complete with all 88 hidden symbols. Most noticeable is the three-headed duck in one corner, representing the three states of nature.|-| {{Item|"Forger's Peril"}} || 400||As you glance into this painting, the details seem to melt away. It is a cursed forgery of [[Gobblenuk]]'s Forger's Peril: the insane goblin artist concocted a magical painting that can never be replicated. Any attempt to do so results in this monstrous visual effect. On the other hand, the visual effect is pretty sweet.|-| {{Item|"Last Autumn Sunset"}} || 500||It's the little-known masterpiece by dwarven artist [[Kot Bhenul]]. Note the beautiful use of real gold in the paint.|-| {{Item|Reproduction of "Fortress Five"}} || 1000||
| {{Item|Peaceful}} || 250 ||
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