* [[Artistry]] - A somewhat related skill that deals with creating paintings. Currently, Artistry is only used to carve pumpkins and craft Fireworks.
== Harvestables ==
{{ItemT||thumb|icon=painting|caption=The painting when you take it off the dungeon walls.|Unidentified Unidentified Painting
|This unidentified pastoral seems to be in good condition.
Right-Click to Appraise
{{ItemT||thumb|icon=painting|caption=A painting that has been identified.
|Peaceful Scene
|A lovely scene. Perhaps it was created by Mirkym — it has her signature approach to foliage — but probably just created in the same style by an admirer of her work.
! Painting !! Value
| {{Item| Student Painting }} || 10
| Bland Waterfall {{Item|Mediocre Goblin Painting }} || 2010
| Forest {{Item|Bland Waterfall Painting }} || 3020
| Well-Framed Painting {{Item|"Snake Widow Lake"}} | 40| 20
| Goblin {{Item|Forest Painting }} || 5030
| Numbered Etrigard {{Item|Painting of Traticus}} || 10040
| Peaceful Scene {{Item|Well-Framed Painting}} | 250| 40
| {{Item|Goblin Painting}} || 50|-| {{Item|Numbered Ertrigard Painting}} || 100|-| {{Item|Peaceful Scene}} || 250|-| {{Item| Reproduction of "Fortress Five" }} || 1000
== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Mechanics ==
=== Identifying Paintings ===