Event: Bonus - Moxie Needs Metal Slabs

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Moxie said, "Hey could I get you to do me a personal favor? I'm really low on supplies and I'm in dire need of Expert-Quality Metal Slabs. Lots of them! I promise I'll only ask this of you once - never again! If you can deliver me 25 Expert-Quality Metal Slabs, I'll show you what I use them for!"


To start this quest, talk to Moxie in the Red Wing Casino. This quest is only available during a Crafting Caravan event.


Hey could I get you to do me a personal favor? I'm really low on supplies and I'm in dire need of Expert-Quality Metal Slabs. Lots of them! I promise I'll only ask this of you once - never again! If you can deliver me 25 Expert-Quality Metal Slabs, I'll show you what I use them for!


  • Collect 25 Expert-Quality Metal Slabs
  • Talk to Moxie


