Fiddler's Hoof Scrubber

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Arianna Fangblade in Red Wing Casino said, "Fiddler over there's immortal, as in 'never grows old' immortal. Nice trick, right? But he can still die of disease! His hoofs are hundreds 'a years old and need to be cleaned. I need one more thing for my cleaning kit: yeti hair. Or any super-strong hair balls, really. Werewolf hair'd do."


To start this quest, talk to Arianna Fangblade in the Red Wing Casino. The quest is available at [Comfortable] favor.


Fiddler over there's immortal, as in 'never grows old' immortal. Nice trick, right? But he can still die of disease! His hoofs are hundreds 'a years old and need to be cleaned. I need one more thing for my cleaning kit: yeti hair. Or any super-strong hair balls, really. Werewolf hair'd do.



