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Hissy pet.png
Poison, Trauma
Hissy is a unique, named Grimalkin that appears in the Ilmari Desert. It can be spotted easily due to his large size and bright red color. Hissy can be tamed using the Tame Cat ability and charmed to be made a permanent pet after reaching level 50 in Animal Handling.


Vitals: Health 5737 Armor 970 Rage 1999
Location: Spawns quasi-randomly. Seems to usually be on the western side of the map, relatively close to the Rakshasa camp there.

Combat Abilities

Elite, Fast Fleeing, Hyper Hearing

icon_2129.png Crushing Damage
icon_2130.png Slashing Damage
Rage-icon.png icon_2132.png Trauma Damage Over Time



Reported Loot

First Kill Loot
First Kill Loot: 3 miscellaneous items.
Repeat Kill Loot: 1 miscellaneous item.

General Loot

Animal Handling Stats

Animal Handling Level to Tame: 50
Maximum Bond Level: 80
Maximum Happiness: 100
Maximum Enthusiasm: 10
Additional Attributes: Damage Boost, Damage Multiplier
Weak Against: Cold
Resists: Poison, Trauma
Basic Attack:
icon_2129.png Crushing Damage
(13 damage),
icon_2130.png Slashing Damage
(10 damage)
Sic 'Em Attack:
Level 1-14: icon_2136.png Trauma Dmg Over Time (5/sec for 15 secs) (8 damage) [Expand]
Level 15-29: icon_2136.png Trauma Dmg Over Time (10/sec for 15 secs) (21 damage)
Level 30-44: icon_2136.png Trauma Dmg Over Time (15/sec for 15 secs) (44 damage)
Level 45-59: icon_2136.png Trauma Dmg Over Time (20/sec for 15 secs) (83 damage)
Level 60-74: icon_2136.png Trauma Dmg Over Time (25/sec for 15 secs) (140 damage)
Level 75+: icon_2136.png Trauma Dmg Over Time (30/sec for 15 secs) (202 damage)
Special Trick:
Level 1-14: icon_3619.png Slashing and Root (5 sec) (21 damage) [Expand]
Level 15-29: icon_3619.png Slashing and Root (7 sec) (44 damage)
Level 30-44: icon_3619.png Slashing and Root (7 sec) (83 damage)
Level 45-59: icon_3619.png Slashing and Root (9 sec) (140 damage)
Level 60-74: icon_3619.png Slashing and Root (9 sec) (202 damage)
Level 75+: icon_3619.png Slashing and Root (11 sec) (270 damage)
Vitals at Tamed (55) Health 292 Armor 414
Vitals at Max (Lv80/Bond80) Health 750 Armor 752