Repairing the Horn Bow

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Sirine in Rahu said, "Ever killed a rhino? Quite a rush, isn't it?! They're so dangerous! I'm not really in shape to hunt rhinos right now, though... my bow broke. And not coincidentally, the bow uses ivory rhino horn. You probably see where this is going... if you find some, please let me know!"


To start this quest, talk to Sirine in Rahu. The quest is available at [Neutral] favor.


Ever killed a rhino? Quite a rush, isn't it?! They're so dangerous! I'm not really in shape to hunt rhinos right now, though... my bow broke. And not coincidentally, the bow uses ivory rhino horn. You probably see where this is going... if you find some, please let me know!




Rewards for Repairing the Horn Bow