→Introduction: Updated links
Exploration is a major theme in PG, discover new places, new skills, new enemies, and discover new people, because PG aims so that that there will have plenty of content for everyone to explore and enjoy at all stages of the game. We ask players to be considerate to others that may not know or not have discovered as much in the game. Everyone wants to have the thrill of discovering something new, so please try not to shout out spoilers if possible.
*Useful links for players:[[http://wiki.projectgorgon.com/wiki/Main_Page Wiki Main Page]], [[httphttps://forum.projectgorgon.com/member-forum/forum Project Gorgon Forums]], [[httphttps://forum.projectgorgon.com/blog Dev's current blog]][[http://www.eldergame.comphp/ Dev's previous BlogDeveloper blog]][[http://projectgorgon.com/welcome.txt Current Welcome on LauncherGame updates|Latest Game Update Notes]]
*Good luck, and now to the good stuff!