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It's also worth buying the following items to get some useful skills and bonuses: Autopsy kit Mushroom Jack), skinning knife (either from Kleave in the later zone Eltibule, as a reward from one of Ivyn's quests, or the easiest way is from another player), handsaw (Therese), butcher knife (another player). Autopsy kit lets you gain skill in pathology, skinning knife lets you skin animals you kill, handsaw lets you gather wood, and butcher knife lets you butcher corpses (but you can only skin or butcher a corpse, not both).|sign=Boric|source=[http://projectgorgon.com/forum/community-questions-answers/2513-suggestions-to-answer-the-question-i-just-got-off-the-island-what-next#13960 Boric]}}