fixes some typo's and minor edits
*Useful links for players:[[http://projectgorgon.com/wiki/Main_Page Wiki Main Page]], [[http://projectgorgon.com/member-forum/forum Project Gorgon Forums]], [[http://projectgorgon.com/blog Dev's current blog]][[http://www.eldergame.com/ Dev's previous Blog]][[http://projectgorgon.com/welcome.txt Current Welcome on Launcher]]
*Good luck, and now too to the good stuff!
{{:{{#rel2abs:./Basics}} }}
*Picking mushrooms does in fact NOT raise the '''[[Foraging]]''' skill, only the '''[[Mycology]]''' skill.
*When exiting noobie island the the east side of Serbule Keep village you may notice a circle patch of low level mushrooms to the left right of you, they respawn often and usually contain enough mushrooms to get 16-18.
*If you desire to raise your '''[[Fishing]]''' skill the best place to start is the moat around '''[[Serbule]]'''. Start with '''Crabs''' until you reach the level required for '''Clown Fish''', from there it is mostly collecting a mixture of '''Crab''', '''Clown Fish''' and '''Grapefish'''. '''Perch''' and '''Eel''' are very rare to find and are not optimal for leveling.
*Empty bottles:[[File:Item-icon-bottle.png]] To fill an empty bottle with water you can either activate a water well (eg. in Serbule) or similar object, but you can also simply stand in a body of water outdoors and right click an empty bottle.
*The road east of [[Serbule]] is where most Pigs spawn. They are easy to kill and always drop Pork Shoulder. Since Pork Shoulder is the main ingredient for bacon, it is extremely important for raising '''Joeh''''s Favor fast.
*A player quote for first time visiters to the island, and when you first get to [[Serbule]].
{{quote|When you first start out, three things to remember if you want to enjoy PG:
When you first get off the island, my biggest advice would be to curry favor with Marna. She is able to sell useful items needed for other NPC's quests, she's the only early source for disease cures, and she gives storage (others like Joeh also give storage but Marna lets you store anything). Plus it's fairly easy to work up her favor - you can give her skins (if you've gotten a skinning knife) but you may want to save those for tanning and leatherworking. It's actually pretty easy to start growing potatoes and onions (though onions do take fertilizer so may want to stay with just potatoes), cook them into an easy vegetarian dish, and give those to Marna.
It's also worth buying the following items to get some useful skills and bonuses: Autopsy kit Mushroom Jack), skinning knife (either from a Kleave in the later zoneEltibule, as a reward from one of Ivyn's quests, or the easiest way is from another player), handsaw (Therese), butcher knife (another player). Autopsy kit lets you gain skill in pathology, skinning knife lets you skin animals you kill, handsaw lets you gather wood, and butcher knife lets you butcher corpses (but you can only skin or butcher a corpse, not both).|sign=Boric|source=[http://projectgorgon.com/forum/community-questions-answers/2513-suggestions-to-answer-the-question-i-just-got-off-the-island-what-next#13960 Boric]}}