:: The last hurdle is your own body. It can only store so much tempest energy. At first, you will be very limited. There are exercises, meditations, rites, and secret techniques to increase your maximum. I can even teach a few of them!
: '''Tell me about the tornadoes around here.'''
:: Oh, those guys? Yeah, they're true Elementals, not constructed Elementals. Hope that clears things up!
:: '''Wait, no, that didn't help me much.'''
:: Oh. Well, an Elemental is a sentient creature made of a certain type of mass or energy. Weather Witches can give sentience to windstorms, which means they're Elementals. But they're primitive "constructed Elementals" which only exist for a few seconds.
:: '''What does that mean? A "stable source?"'''
:: I'm sorry. I'm not simplifying enough! The windstorms around here were "born," they split off from a larger elemental storm. They and their progenitor storm are what we call "stable" because they don't disappear after a few seconds.
:: We can't control these Elementals, but we do know how to communicate with them. They're our friends. Two of them made the journey here with us from Dwyndarre; the third one found us here.
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The little tornadoes near here are our friends! We didn't create them. They just found us, learned we could talk with them, and chose to travel with us.}}
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I spent a few decades teaching weather work to neophytes. That was over a century ago, back when Merriana and I were married. I'm pretty rusty, but I can probably still teach some basics.}}
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Merriana and I hail from Dwyndarre. We survived the destruction, obviously, and spent several moons helping the wounded and imperiled. But I couldn't keep doing that -- it hurt too much to see the tree stumps every day. I just had to leave. I was a little surprised Merriana came with me, but I'm glad.}}
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Merriana was one of the weather overseers for Dwyndarre, ensuring proper rain amounts and appropriate seasonal weather. That's why she knows for certain that there were no warnings. This wasn't a meteror, a typhoon, or anything natural. Dwyndarre was attacked. I have my suspicions... but I won't slander others without proof.}}