{{Quote|source = [[Trasen]]|
Merriana was one of the weather overseers for Dwyndarre, ensuring proper rain amounts and appropriate seasonal weather. That's why she knows for certain that there were no warnings. This wasn't a meteror, a typhoon, or anything natural. Dwyndarre was attacked. I have my suspicions... but I won't slander others without proof.}}
{{Quote|source = [[Trasen]]|
In happier times, my weather focus was on sleet variants. Wet sleet, dry sleet -- which is still wet, of course, just drier than wet sleet, extra-cold sleet, warmish sleet -- I've developed dozens of variations.
Saly nobody has ever asked me to conjure warmish sleet for them. Farmers prefer simple rain. But they've expanded my understand of the rules of weather! Slightly.}}