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9,351 bytes added, 15:41, 7 March 2016
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==== Exploits ====
==== Exploits ====
==== Exploits ====
==== Exploits ====
==== Exploits ====
==== Long flight times. ====
:I wouldn't grow accustomed to perma-flight or even prolonged flight. There's going to be certain limits on flying in general.
==== Availability of high-end gear. ====
:As for high-end gear, it is always going to be difficult to obtain - especially if you are looking for specific mods for a particular skill set. That's not to say we won't continue to adjust loot distribution as development continues, but it's safe to assume that getting high-end gear with the exact mods that you are looking for will be difficult and feel like an accomplishment when it happens.
==== Feedback ====
:Since the patch just dropped, I would like to see more statistics and hear more input based on different group sizes, skill sets, etc before making significant changes. I am not saying that your concerns are not legitimate, but I would like to see more feedback and see the numbers. That said, I'd love to hear more feedback on the dungeons and mob difficulty. Please be sure to submit your feedback in-game!
==== Restrictions on some skills. ====
:We appreciate your feedback, but as far as limitations go - every MMO has them. In other games it ranges from restricting classes based on race to end game gear restrictions. The reason we have such requirements in Project: Gorgon is because we feel it allows us to give significant bonuses, but at significant cost. Players will need to determine if it's worth it to them.
==== Is there PVP in the game? ====
:Just a quick note: there is limited PVP in-game now, which is essentially a consent based system that promotes dueling. We don't have plans for forced, open world PVP.
==== Is there a set timeline? ====
:Since we are so early in development, we aren't going to lay out the specifics/timeline. There's numerous reasons for this, but mainly because development is fluid and announcing anything specific (or even vaguely) can cause players to get their heart set on a timeline and if the timeline changes it can cause issues. This is especially true at this stage because we may have plans for "x" then decide to do "z" instead. If we announced "x" and instead went with "z", there could be disappointed players - and we don't want that!
:The stretch goals and other skills will not be arriving in the immediate future. They are a ways off, and the same is true for major changes to crafting.
:As for Steam, we are working on getting ready for early access and we will have more on that shortly.
==== New Belt System ====
: The belt system and the new system is intended to boost the chances of getting items beneficial to your unique skill combination. The system is not intended to give you exactly what you're looking for everytime. We have many different skills thus making the loot distribution a challenge. The drop system could have been left random, like a lot of MMOs, and that would make it a significant challenge to get exactly what you wanted. It's a unique balance of allowing you earn the gear that you want, while not handing you everything exactly as you want it.There should be the excitement of getting that perfect piece that you spent the time and effort obtaining.
: We'll continue to work on the loot system and appreciate the feedback.
==== Boss Curses ====
:Ignore the warnings at your own risk. (Devil Face Emoji).
==== Multi-Boxing ====
:As you mentioned, we are in alpa so it's not necessarily easy just to "change the mechanics". We do not allow exploitation, and that's been mentioned on numerous occasions.
:As for having rules and a full set of terms of service - they're coming, soon! In the meantime, if it seems like your conduct could be called objectionable: don't do it!
==== Why are there so many changes to the game? ====
:Being in alpha, players should expect major revisions, complete system changes and completely new aspects - as development continues. Updating graphics and adding character races will come, but those will come as part of the developmental process.
:I'll add to what Citan posted above, we are in alpha. Major changes will happen. Systems will be unfinished or feel incomplete. If you are playing like it's a finished game then you're probably not going to be happy with major system changes and be upset when certain systems aren't where you want them. At this point, we just need testers to explore and focus on the content with the knowledge that they are playing an alpha that's most definitely going to evolve.
==== What type of payment model will this game have? ====
:Just as an fyi, VIP pricing is not yet set - the pricing is not final (as mentioned above). That said, it could be slightly higher, but we are confident that it will be $10 or less a month.
:We will post more information on the VIP Subscription and the details related to how everything will work in the future.
:We appreciate the discussion, suggestions and thoughts surrounding implementation though.
:As to whether you will be able to purchase additional copies for friends, that shouldn't be a problem and we are already working on making that possible.
==== How about more Citan Asks? ====
:We aren't necessarily going to post a new one every week. It is more likely to be sporadic as we need information on certain subjects.
==== Why are some skills hard to obtain and level? ====
:There are certain skills that are going to be harder to obtain - and progress - than others. Fire Magic takes effort, like most skills, and it's not a skill that you are going to bull rush through. The items can take effort to find and obtain, but they are not "ultra rare". It really depends on your luck with drop rates and whether you are looking in the right areas.
==== VIP delivery time ====
:We have discussed the potential of having the VIP subscription start during alpha/beta for those who elect to do so. That said, certain VIP benefits and other reward items are going to be implemented at different times throughout the development process. The official "delivery" time is listed as December 2016 on Kickstarter and is subject to the official release date.
==== Can I get a horse if I missed the Kickstarter? ====
:You will still be able to get a horse, but you will have to work for it! There will be more details about that in the future.
==== Upcoming Chat-Interface API ====
:We will also have Terms of Service with a specific section for the API, and I expect that you will see that in the near future.
==== View on Feedback ====
:We love feedback, but it seems like a lot of people are approaching Project Gorgon as if it was a fully released game and they are providing feedback with that mindset.
:We are in early alpha, and it's important to remember that game systems/features will go through changes. We need players to approach it as such, because having players skip content and farming for loot is not what testing is all about. I'll be posting a testing guide soon, hopefully that'll give more insight into what we are looking for.
==== Why do you not post all of the game updates on Kickstarter? ====
:We will be posting an update soon, but we aren't going to focus on Kickstarter as a source of news. I'll make that clear in the next update. We want people here and on our official pages.
==== Can I stream Project Gorgon on Twitch? ====
:Project Gorgon is listed as a supported game, and I just checked it and it's working here. I've seen other streamers using it as well.
==== Exploits ====
: Taking advantage of a bug or exploit, even if reported, can result in a character having skills reset, inventory/currency reset or even a permanent ban. We aren't going to be lenient on those who knowingly take advantage of a bug/exploit. If you find one, report it. Don't take a chance.
==== 32bit Operating Systems? ====
: "We don't officially support 32bit Operating Systems at the moment, but do hope optimizations in the future will allow for it.

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