→Tempest Power
Every five levels, a research recipe can be learned which allows for researching a certain number of abilities per recipe. When a research recipe is completed, one of the abilities tied to that ability will be learned randomly.
=== Tempest Power Energy==='''Tempest PowerEnergy''' is a ... {{Spoiler|Click Expand to view the Tempest Energy by Level Table for [[Weather Witching]]|{{:Xptables/TempestEnergyByLevel}}}}
=== Weapons ===
[[Weather Witching]] requires handheld equipment which can properly channel the casting of magic. All [[Weather Witching]] enabling equipment is considered a [[:Category:Items/WeatherStaff|Weather Staff]], even if the item is a Wand or Trident. Butterfly forms have the potential to wield [[Weather Witching]], if they are able to get their wings a {{Item|Wing Rings of Weather}} or similar racial slot item.