→Data from Northeastern Logging Camp
==== Card Collecting ====
=====Data from Northeastern Logging Camp=====
This data shows an example of Calling Card drops from the northeastern logging camp in [[Serbule Hills]]. For each round, 30 cards were collected after allowing the camp to completely respawn.
'''Round 1 (30 cards):''' 0(10), 1(1), 5(1), 6(3), 7(2), 8(1), 11(1), 12(1), 19(1), 21(1), 24(1), 34(1), 36(1), 38(2), 45(1), 47(1), 48(1)<br>
'''Round 2 (30 cards):'''0(4), 1(1), 4(1), 6(3), 7(3), 8(2), 9(1), 12(1), 13(1), 20(2), 27(1), 28(1), 30(2), 33(1), 34(2), 36(1), 38(1), 39(1), 41(1)<br>
'''Round 3 (30 cards):'''
Repeatedly reading the same card (if you find it multiple times) only offers very little XP. Cards of level 1 thru 10 only offer 1 XP for repeat-reads. Cards between 11 and 20 offer 2 XP for repeat-reads. And level 21-30 cards seem to offer 3 XP.
== Goblinese Experience Table ==
{{Spoiler|Click Expand to view the Experience Table for Goblinese|