Reorganized Harvestables.
==Points of Interest==
====Dalvos' Room====
At the end of the cave is a room with a journal written by Dalvos, as well as his '''Abandoned Storage Chest''' (16 slots). To access the chest however you have to run through a bunch of slugs that can stack poison on you. Several items can harvestables usually spawn in this room: Ivory Spoon, Goblet, Plate, Crusty Bread, Empty Bottle, Red Apple.
====Storage Chest====
A "large and well made" storage chest with a capacity of 16 slots. Note that there exists a Word of Power (Level 2) that teleports inside the cave... which could make this storage useful in some scenarios.
====Dalvos' Lab Notes====
''Amidst the diagrams and bizarre symbols, you spot several formulae for elemental protection potions'' (examining Dalvos' Lab Notes and opt to "Study the Recipes"):
=== Harvestables ===
==== Fruit ====
|{{Item|Red Apple}}
==== Mushrooms ====
{{Item|Mycena Mushroom}}
==== Miscellaneous ====
|{{Item|Ivory Spoon}}
|{{Item|Goblin Wheatbread}}
|{{Item|Empty Bottle}}