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|image = [[File:Table.PNG|400px]]
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|skilltype = Trade Skill <!-- Combat Skill, Trade Skill, Beast Skill (EX: Beast Speech, but NOT Lycanthropy), Other Skill (Used for skills that don't fit the other categories) -->|maxlevel = 70 90 <!-- List without bonus levels -->
|req = None
|skilltrainers = [[Kalaba]], [[Makara]], [[Sona]]
* [[Makara]] in [[Ilmari]] teaches [[Transmutation]] recipes for rarer equipment, she also teaches basic recipes to characters who could not learn them from Kalaba.
* [[Sona]] in [[New Prestonbule Cave]] can raise the level cap of [[Transmutation]] from 51-60 and 61-70.
* The level caps for 71-80 and 81-90 may be unlocked by gaining favor with a mysterious entity deep beneath [[Povus]].
==Connected Skills==