Added his quotes about the other npcs.
|caption = An older human with a weary but welcoming look.
|zone = [[Serbule]]
|location = Near the barn in [[Serbule Keep]].
|beastspeak =
|skilltrainer = Sword, Shield
Well, technically, the title is Sir Ballard, Praetor, Retired. But they called me back up for this "special mission." So I'm officially the Praetor of all of [[Serbule]] and the surrounding land for a hundred miles. But that means nothing out here.
'''Nelson Ballard''' is the retired Praetor of Serbule Keep.
The retired Nelson was summoned by the council for a "special mission" which turned out Council to be oversee the construction of a town in the east to hold Elven refugees from the destroyed [[Dwyndarre]]. His wife died five years ago, so he had no qualms packing up and accepting the mission. He originally lived outside of [[Statehelm]]. {{Quote |: Hello again!: ''' Can you tell me about the people here? ''': Who in particular?: ''' About [[Sir Coth]]...''':: Sir Coth was part of the [[Human]] team that came with me to build this town. He's a decent fighter, a great Sheriff, and loyal as hell to the Council. Great man. Dumb as a horse. But a great man in his own capacity.: ''' [[Therese]]...''':: The little [[Elven]] girl tending that garden? She wasn't a gardener back in [[Dwyndarre]]. When she got here she decided she'd grow food to feed everyone, and she's been learning for the past few months. She grows some herbs and a few vegetables, but [[Ivyn]] and [[Jara]] outside of town are the real food-makers here -- they've been farmers for two hundred years. Incredible! Therese is just playing at it.:: Therese is a dear little thing, though. Don't tell her I said that.: ''' [[Joeh]]...''':: The weapon shopkeeper? He bought a bunch of stock with him, and he can maintain weapons well. He fights well, too, but... if he offers to spar with you, say no.:: I sparred with him once. We had a pretty good work out, and then he... things got awkward. I don't want to talk about it.: ''' [[Marna]]...''':: She was a successful businesswoman back in her homeland. Lost everything, and she's anxious to claw her way back. She's older than most of the Elves here, not that I can tell their ages.:: She can be a bit... ambitious. But she works damned hard -- for an Elf, I mean.: ''' [[Harry the Wolf|Harry]]... ''':: I don't know any Harry. Oh wait, you mean the wolf? Seems to be Therese's pet, hangs out in her garden a lot. She has weird pets.:: I thought I heard that wolf talking to her once, but I'm pretty sure it was [[Velkort]] playing a prank on me with some kind of ventriloquism spell. }}
; [[Serbule]]
: Just inside the entrance of [[Serbule Keep]];s Keep.
==Small Talk==
* '''The Trespassing Charlatan''' : Deliver a message to [[Charles Thompson]].
* '''The Cheese Run''' : Obtain Cheese from [[Braigon]].
* '''The Rat Tiara''' [Comfortable] : Find Mr. Squeaky's Tiara {{Hint|Look for two large rocks northwest of town on the hill.}}