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Quick Notes

196 bytes added, 23:00, 26 May 2016
Added links.
: Return to the [[Game updates|Game Updates]] page.
== 2016 ==
'''May 2016:''' Introduced a new camera, added new Guild mechanics including quests, and expanded the [[Labyrinth ]] dungeon in [[Ilmari]]. The [[Pig ]] skill was redesigned.
'''April 2016:''' Guild Vault Logs were added. Vendor Stalls were introduced in [[Serbule]]. Player Library Mechanics mechanics were improved (book rankings).
'''March 2016:''' [[Nature Appreciation ]] and [[Flower Arrangement ]] skills added. A new type of Favor quest was tested. [[Rahu ]] and [[South Serbule ]] zones added to the game. Special Weekend Bonuses were introduced. New monster mechanics including Dense Armor and minor regeneration were added. Evasion was reduced to only a few types of monsters. Chickens [[Chicken]]s lay eggs.
'''February 2016:''' Evasion was introduced. Guild storage, and a last-online list added. The first randomly assigned quest NPC was added in [[Serbule]]. Many skills were modified.
'''January 2016:''' Hotfix system tested, it worked. Sandstorms were added, and briefly appeared as deer. [[EULA]]/[[Code of Conduct ]] introduced. Animal Town added in [[Sun Vale]]. Dispensers and Rafflers were added. Alt key able to be used in setting shortcuts.
== 2015 ==
'''December 2015:''' [[Buckle Artistry ]] skill was introduced. [[Tutorial Cave ]] replaced with a new island experience. Belt system was reworked.
'''November 2015:''' Combat Refresh system added, additional floors added to the [[Yeti CavesCave]]s. Augment Brewing skills were redesigned into [[Augmentation]]. [[Transmutation ]] skill was added. Bat skill added.
'''October 2015:''' Test server was used to test the upcoming Augmentation skills.
September 2015: Skeletons can travel between zones. New patcher introduced. Work Orders added. Industry skill added. Labyrinth dungeon added in [[Ilmari]]. Character movement system rewritten. Guild system introduced.
'''August 2015:''' [[Serbule Sewers ]] dungeon expanded. User-created chat rooms added. Help and Trade added to default chat tabs. Brain Bug Cave dungeon added in [[Serbule]]. More instruments added. Civic Pride skill added. Pigs can dance.
'''July 2015:''' [[Tutorial Cave ]] modified to accommodate incoming new players from Kickstarter. Yeti Cave dungeon added in [[Kur Mountains]]. Day/Night cycle added, and some flower spawns were added tied to the time of day. Added Full-Moon content for Werewolves. Trade GUI introduced. Skill caps begin to raise to level 60. [[Ilmari ]] Desert zone added.
'''June 2015:''' [[Cow ]] curse removed from tutorial cave. Starting inventory increased. Special settings added. Upgrade to Unity 5 (new lighting model). Dyes resemble the intended colors. Group-loot options added.
'''May 2015:''' [[Wolf Cave ]] dungeon expanded. [[Kur Tower ]] dungeon expanded. [[Ice Magic ]] skill added. [[Sun Vale ]] quadrupled in size. Exceptional treasure tier added.
'''April 2015:''' Pet mechanics were modified. Music command removed and skills added. Performance Appreciation buff introduced, along with plants responsive to music. Augment Brewing skills added. [[Borghild ]] dungeon (Deathtrap Dungeon) redesigned.
'''March 2015:''' Boss regeneration replaced with increased health. Lots of mob mechanics were changed, and treasure effects.
'''February 2015:''' A new launcher introduced. Moon phases now match the real moon. [[Dark Chapel ]] dungeon expanded. [[Goblin Dungeon ]] in [[Eltibule ]] expanded.
'''January 2015:''' [[Battle Chemistry ]] skill redesigned. [[Animal Nexus ]] dungeon added in Eltibule. [[Dark Chapel ]] dungeon added in [[Eltibule]]. [[Treasure Cartography ]] and [[Corpse Talking ]] skills added. Metabolism bar added. Racial Jewelry slot added.
== 2014 ==
'''December 2014:''' Bug fixes in preparation for a large patch.
'''November 2014:''' DirectX 11 support added. Lots of loot and crafting changes. Item craft point system introduced. [[Winter Nexus ]] dungeon added in [[Sun Vale]]. Loot permissions modified. Vocabulary skill added.
'''October 2014:''' Halloween event. Treasure chests added to [[Serbule Crypt]]. New website and forums introduced. Added an anti-zerging timer. [[Gourmand ]] skill recalculated. [[Toolcrafting ]] skill added. Invite command added for group use.
'''September 2014:''' [[Sun Vale ]] zone added. [[Hammer ]] and [[Druid ]] skills added. Elite monsters introduced. [[Goblin dungeon Dungeon]] in [[Eltibule ]] expanded.

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