,no edit summary
| Hm? No, I don't need anything. Wait, actually, have you got any grapes? I just want a snack.
| [[Find Gravestones]]
| -
| Find all 6 gravestones in the little graveyard nearby.
| Those goblins love artwork. I hate it! Bring me some of the lesser-valued pieces. I use them as floor coverings to keep my tanning chemicals from seeping into the groundwater.
| [[Power Potions!]]
| [[Kleave]]
| Kleave wants power potions.
| Okay so I have a problem. I admit it: I'm addicted to cranium powder. But it's okay. I'm a master of the mind! I just willed myself to stop. Unfortunately I can't will away these nasty side-effects. I think I remember Velkort saying he dabbled in drugs like this when he was my age – can you ask him for a hangover cure?
| [[Sludge!]]
| [[Zealo]]
| A rakshasa named Zealo asked you to collect toxic sludge for her potions.
| If you were a REAL friend, you would get help me master the ancient recipe for forbidden bacon. Ur-Bacon is infused with the spirits of the dead. What a thrill it'd be to serve that! But of course, only the dead know the secret. You might find it written down somewhere, but it'd be incredibly rare. Sigh.
| [[Quarter Hoops!]]
| [[Braigon]]
| Braigon needs more quarter hoops for barrel making.
| Gods, I am so sick of making barrels! It's so hard! And so stupid! <i>Sigh...</i> and I just ran out of quarter hoops. Great. Just great. That means I have to talk that idiot Kalaba into making me some more.
| [[Milk!]]
| [[Braigon]]
| Braigon mentioned needing more milk.
| Hmm, running low on bone meal! Can you get me some more? The easiest way to get it is to rob tombs. Oh, it's okay, they aren't using it! Try the crypt at the back of the graveyard outside of town. It'll be in a ways, since dumb old Marna already excavated all the easily-reached bone meal.
| [[Stomachs!]]
| [[Braigon]]
| Braigon mentioned needing more stomachs to make rennet.