Updated to template.
__NOTOC__{{Skill infobox|title = |image =[[File:AncillaryArmorAugmentation_skill.png|300px]]|caption = Knowledge of the techniques for creating Helm Augments and Shoes Augments. (Augments for other types of equipment are covered by other skills).|skilltype = Trade Skills |maxlevel = 50 <!-- This table List without bonus levels -->|req = 25 Alchemy, 25 Tailoring|skilltrainers = [[Gribburn]], [[Nightshade]]}}{{Quote|Leave a quote about the skill here. }}== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Overview=='''Ancillary-Armor Augmentation''' is from patch v248, February 02an [[Augmentation]] skill that focuses on Helm Augments and Shoe Augments.=== In-Game Description ===Knowledge of the techniques for creating Helm Augments and Shoes Augments. (Augments for other types of equipment are covered by other skills).=== Training {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} ===* After speaking with [[Nightshade]] in [[Kur Mountains|Kur]] and completing a task for him, 2016 '''Ancillary-Armor->Augmentation''' can be learned from [[Gribburn]].==How to ObtainRelated Skills =='''Sub-Skills:'''* None'''Secondary:'''* [[Alchemy]] - '''Ancillary-Armor Augmentation''' requires 25 Levels in Alchemy.* [[Tailoring]] - '''Ancillary-Armor Augmentation''' requires 25 levels in Tailoring.* [[Jewelry Augmentation]] - Another type of [[Augmentation]]* [[Weapon Augmentation]] - Another type of [[Augmentation]]* [[Armor Augmentation]] - Another type of [[Augmentation]]
{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Recipes}}== {{msg:BASEPAGENAME}} Mechanics ====Recipes= How to Augment ===<!-- transcluding level up rewards or skill upgrades table as this is likely be auto-generated at some pt in See the future -->page on [[Augmentation]] for instructions on Using Augmentation.{| {:{{STDT|sortablemsg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Level Up Rewards}} style='width:100%;'! Lvl !! style="width: 15%"| Name !! XP !! Bonus XP !! styleTrivia ="width: 15%"| Ingredients !! style="width: 15%"| Results !! Description|'''Ancillary-| 1 || Decompose Helm || 50 || 200 || Head Armor x1 || Decompose Helm || Destroy a magical helmet and extract magic contraptions.|-| 8 || Extract Helm Augment || 50 || 200 || Head Armor x1<br>Crystal x1 || Extract Helm Augment || Attempt Augmentation''' used to extract one of the magic powers be part of a helmet, destroying it in the process. The chosen power will match the associated skill of the crystal you provide. (If no powers match the crystal, you get nothing!)<br><br>NOTE: in addition to the listed ingredients, this recipe also consumes Helm Contraptions from your inventory. You must have at least as many Helm Contraptions as the combined Augmentation skill level of the power you extract, or the process will fail. (Thus you might need up to 60 Helm Contraptions for a level 60 power.)|-| 13 || Decompose Boots || 50 || 200 || Footwear x1 || Decompose Boots || Destroy a magical pair of boots and extract magic contraptions.|-| 20 || Extract Boot Augment || 50 || 200 || Footwear x1<br>Crystal x1 || Extract Boot Augment || Attempt to extract one of the magic powers of until a pair of footwear, destroying them in the process. The chosen power will match the associated skill major overhaul of the crystal you provide. (If no powers match the crystal, you get nothingsystem!)<br><br>NOTE: in addition to the listed ingredients, this recipe also consumes Shoe Contraptions from your inventory. You must have at least as many Shoe Contraptions as the skill level of the power you extract, or the process will fail. (Thus you might need up to 60 Shoe Contraptions for a level 60 power.)|-| 30 || Undo Augment on Helm || 50 || 200 || [[Helm Contraption]] x25<br>Head Armor x1 || Undo Augment on Helm || Remove an applied Augment from a helmet and return the craft points to the item so it can be Augmented with something else.|-| 40 || Undo Augment on Boots || 50 || 200 || [[Shoe Contraption]] x25<br>Footwear x1 || Undo Augment on Boots || Remove an applied Augment from a pair of boots and return the craft points to the item so it can be Augmented with something else.|}
[[Category:Skills]][[Category:Trade Skills]]