==== 6"A Prodigy must spread light wherever they go. ===="}}The completion of this puzzle will reward explorers or Prodigies with chests of treasure. It does not appear that Dalvos tampered with anything in this part of the Cellar, although the presence of [[Ancient Skeleton Guard|Undead]] may be thanks to him.
→Points of Interest
At the end of the main hallway, an undead named [[Gajus the Big-Headed]] may be found. He's quite unhappy, and will curse any who challenge him.
==== 5. Protected Storage Rooms====
These rooms were used by the Academy Proctors to hold more dangerous items used at the Academy. Weapons, [[Alchemy Book|books]], and potions have been stored here. It seems that the criminal [[Dalvos]], the former Council member, reorganized some of this area to use in [[Experimental Journal|his experiments]]. Some of his [[Frantic Note|notes]] are most alarming. A tree found grown in one room suggest that he has been making progress with the [[Naturesphere]]...
{{Quote|source= Snowy Tree|
Although is is dead now, this tree apparently grew here, straight out of the basement floor.
Initiating violent assault as per override DALVOS-1.
==== 6. Prodigy Testing Area ====
Beyond the Protected Storage Rooms, an explorer might find a maze-like series of rooms designed not only to store the records for [[Stronmar Academy]], but to provide another test to students brought here by Proctors. This test involves another '''Strange Barrier''' this one protected by an illuminating puzzle.
{{Quote| source = Strange Barrier|
As you touch the wall, a voice in your head says:
==== 7. ====