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[[Cow]] and [[Deer]] are both built as Tanks, Cow as more of your traditional tank archetype, while Deer can be considered an Off-Tank. With Cow your Tankiness/Tank-like Abilities come inherently from your skills. While with Deer, your tank-like abilities come from having the right mods on your gear.
[[Spider]]s would be similar to your dps/assassin types most of their skill is set on using Infinite Legs, or Poison abilities to quickly kill the enemy. The same can be said about [[WolfLycanthropy|WolvesWerewolves]] and [[Giant Bat]]s, they're both known for their damage and their ability to keep the pressure on.
[[Pig]]s are your support build, they can solo decently, but they are better of in groups, as a healer or a buff build with use of Mudbath, Frenzy, Porcine Alertness.
[[Giant Bat]]s have the ability of Echolocation which allows them to see in the dark, such as dungeons (especially helpful with Claudia), and they do have the ability to Fly, they also have the ability to turn players into Bats, so be careful when facing them in PvP.
[[WolfLycanthropy|Wolves]] have the ability to switch in and out of wolf form(except during Full Moon, when they are stuck for 3 days), they also have specific Wolf-Altar/Wolf benefits, the altar can unlock higher lvl abilities, has the option of being a storage space, and by completing quests for the Altar you can get bonuses like Extra Armor, Power, Health, Damage Mitigation, Bonus Attack %, or a Sprint Speed bonus.
=== Disadvantages ===
<B>Becoming a [[Wolf]] Werewolf / choosing for [[Lycanthropy]] is a PERMANENT CHOICE. It has some impactful consequences when doing that. It CANNOT be reversed.</B>
One of the disadvantages of being an animal is [[Beast Speech]]. While typing in chat certain words can be changed to a sound-representation. <br>
Be aware that the Animal Forms stack. If you are a cow, and drink a [[Deer Juice]] potion, you will appear to be a Deer. However you are also still cursed as a Cow. So after drinking an Un-Deer Juice, you will not be in human form, but will be a Cow again.
You definately should start working on favor in [[Animal Town]] asap, especialy if you are full time animal (eg - not wolf)