Welcome to the Tapestry Inn! We Do you have beds for rent and good food and drinkany wool? I love wool clothing. Talk to Durstin for food though. I just do drinks!
<!-- * '''Eggs for The Road''' : Get 6 [[hard-boiled egg]]s {{Hint|Reward: 50 Favor and 3 Redwall Crystals}}
* '''Stocking Up on Travel Meds''': Obtain 5 [[Healing Potion]]s. {{Hint|Reward: 50 Favor and 3 Redwall Crystals}}
* '''All The Fish You Could Want''' : [Comfortable] Get 20 fish. {{Hint|Reward: 100 Favor, 200 Surveying XP and 5 Simple Metal Slabs}}
* '''Kill That Wooly Bastard''': [Friends] Jaime Fatholm would appreciate if you killed a sheep that's humiliated her. {{Hint|Reward: 100 Favor, 250 Mining XP and 5 Simple Metal Slabs}}
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'''Lana Songtree'' is a waitress at the Tapestry Inn in the [[South Serbule]] region. She can teach the [[Interpretive Dance]] skill.When she was a child, Lana's mother abandoned her in the woods. She was found and raised by an older lady who taught her various alchemical concoctions. She is friends with [[Jara]].
{{Quote |
: Welcome to the Tapestry Inn! We have beds for rent and good food and drink. Talk to Durstin for food though. I just do drinks!
* '''The Sweater''' : Obtain 10 Wool. {{Hint|Reward: 50 favor, 500 Councils}}
* '''Repelling a Bear''' : Deliver Bear Repellent to [[Jara]]. {{Hint|Reward: 50 favor, Poison Resistance Potion}}