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711 bytes added, 13:53, 3 March 2017
Updated some information.
|location = [[Animal Town]]
|beastspeak = Be in animal form for 3+ hours
|skilltrainer = First Aid, Toolcrafting, Pig
|vendor = Vendor
Type an NPC Quote in this space!Well, welcome to Animal Town. I'm Norbert. I wasn't always a talking pig. Once I was a much happier normal pig. But into each life must fall some calamity, that's the what the druids say.
Description of '''Norbert''' goes hereis an intelligent pig living in [[Animal Town]]. [[Norbert]] was not [[Awakened]], but was struck by a bolt of lightning that increased his intelligence. He is mated to a regular pig, a topic he argues with [[Raul]] about. [[Norbert]] is a Gardener, Mycologist, and inventor. He has created mouth-triggered [[First Aid]] bombs so animals can heal themselves. Norbert also likes to eat eels.
Details about Norbert's location go here. For now, ; [[Animal TownSun Vale]] : Found in [[Sun ValeAnimal Town]].
* Likes Mushrooms
* Likes Necklaces
== Quests ==* '''Lost Recipe Hunt''' [Neutral] : Obtain Notes from Inn.{{Hint|Explore the abandoned, spider-filled Inn towards the center of Sun Vale.}}
; [[First Aid]]
: First Aid Bomb 1-6
; [[Toolcrafting]]
: Recipes: Simple-Amazing First Aid Bomb
; [[Pig]]
: Unlock Pig Skill Levels 51-60
: Unlock Pig Skill Levels 61-70
[[Category:NPCs]][[Category:Sun Vale NPCs]][[Category:Non-Ruminant Ungulate]][[Category:Vendor]][[Category:Bartering]][[Category:Skill Trainer]][[Category:Animal Town NPCs]]

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